10. (About his future wife) "She said, 'I don't like blonds and I don't like golfers, but I do like fat boys.' So I knew I had a chance."
This kind of attitude is what makes John Daly awesome. I wonder if he met her at Hooters?

9. “I quit eating the (junk), ...Two hundred is my goal.”
We all know that THIS never came to fruition.

8. “It's gonna be grease, I'll tell ya that. I love Hooters.”
This is a quote that John Daly said when asked what he would serve for the Masters dinner. Somewhere, Fuzzy Zoeller is cringing.

7. “My wife tried to stab me.”
It’s funny cuz it’s true.

6. “I tried but every time I worked out I threw up, and I thought to myself that you can get drunk and throw up, so it's just not for me, I'd rather smoke, drink Diet Cokes and eat.”
For a man who smokes and drinks so much Diet Coke, you would think Daly would be slightly skinnier.

5. "I look at those girls who work at Hooters as my daughters," Daly said. "I love to see little baseball teams come in there and eat wings, and coaches are happy because they won. That's what I see in Hooters. I don't see the [expletive] everyone else sees."
John has four children (that we know of) and hundreds of puppies. (Sorry that bad joke was too good to pass up).

4. “Well, it's a tie and jacket and I just don't travel with one, ... You're not going to put a coat and tie on me for dinner. I'm just being honest. Plus, the wives can't go and I'd rather see the wives be able to go instead of just all the guys. That makes it fun.”
John Daly at his best. He doesn’t travel with a suit in the RV he travels in? I strongly dislike MTV, but if they want me as a fan they will do the right thing and do an MTV Cribs of John Daly’s touring RV.

3. "I believe nicotine plus caffeine equals protein."
John should be a scientist. This is just brilliant.

2. "I don't think I've ever stepped into a gym - they won't let me smoke there. I just thank God Miller Lite isn't as fattening as most beers. If I cut back on beer, though, I'd look anorexic."
There needs to be a gym that allows smokers and beer drinkers for people like John Daly. I mean everyone has tried to play some kind of sport while hammered, right? By the way, Miller Lite is really missing a golden opportunity by not using John Daly as a spokesman. He could be like the Jared for beer drinkers.

1. "When my [fourth] wife was in jail, I parked my bus at Hooters in Houston and my son didn't want to go to day care. He just wanted to be at Hooters. And I feel safe about that."
This quote is unbelievable on every level. He mentions his fourth wife, his love of Hooters, (who also sponsors him) and his young son prefers Hooters to daycare (smart kid, but ridiculous parenting). I am very curious to see how Daly’s kids turn out.
There have you have it folks, John Daly at his finest. A true American hero. What a guy.
Good thing he doesn't have hot dog fingers!
he might be fat and he might smoke and drink but he's still one of the best damn golfers ever! Just lacking a little discipline that's all.
his guys got it made!!!! Way to go J.D. you just say what we are all thinking, but just to scared to say.
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